Dominant Tennis Players Over Time

As usual, I was starting my day with XKCD, when I read this gem:

This is great and all, but why isn't there a panel for tennis players? After all, they have a ranking system that makes it pretty easy to see who the dominant player is at any given time. First, I was stoked to go plot it, then I was bummed because it wouldn't look as cool as the XKCD plot. But then I remembered that Jake, being a scholar and a gentleman, wrote code to make XKCD-style plots with matplotlib!

Thus, I proudly present the men's tennis dominant players over time, XKCD style:

Some notes about how I made the plot:

Some cool things you can see in the plot:

Next up, I clearly need to plot the women. I'd like to do both singles and doubles to show Martina dominating both simultaneously. If I get motivated I'll put the code on github in the hopes that someone else will help beautify it a bit more.